Sunday, February 10, 2013

40 Year old Baby Mommy

Morning Time REALITY
Good Morning!

                  It is now 7:30 am on a Sunday morning and this is the second time I am writing this.  The first one got deleted.  which is ironic as the blog was about time and Reality of being a 41 year old mom.

First, I LoVE my family and my life, I wouldn't change a single thing.  I have a remarkable husband, Pete, who helps with everything; cleaning, cooking, diapers and dog walks(100 lb Chocolate Lab, Otis, our first born)...Oldest child, Parker, soon to be 6 who is so loving, smart, funny and helpful, then our newest addition, Lilly, 8 months old, who is pulling herself up on anything she can find and "cruising" an easy baby who is good natured, eats and is very mellow.  I am truly BLESSED and I know it.  I just want to put out some reality.

All those of you who see cute babies and start to ooh and aahh and wish you had your baby back, or had another baby... Life is Not a diaper commercial!  I get poop on my hands changing diapers, trying to keep kicking feet out of the poopy diaper and trying to keep my active child on the changing table so that she doesn't flip herself over and off the entire thing!

SLEEP!  I have spent most of last night up and down with what little sleep I did get curled up in my sons' car bed, while Lilly crawls around the room.  Of course I am sleeping with one eye open watching her to make sure she is safe and trying to get her back to sleep.  We all are awake at 4:30 am and since then I have made breakfast for both children and fed the dog.  Immediately after that there is the diaper to change and then Otis starts whining that he too needs to go out.  I get that all taken care of and then Parker's game gets frozen and I need to fix that.  Lilly then needs to get some Momma Milk, and I become the dairy Queen:) She finally goes down for her morning nap at about 6:45 and then Parker patiently asks if now I could play with him?  Phew, I need a seat and a sip of coffee.  I wouldn't change a thing.  It would just be nice to have a little more energy and I can't help but think that a younger mom, might have more of that?  Anywho, we are all good.

I just wanted to post some REALITY rather than the snapshot profiles we all put out to the world of clean kids playing in the snow.  Let's not forget how long it takes to put those snow suits on and how many times they have to go to the bathroom after they have it on.  The outfits that we all go through with spit up and dog slobber lands in the perfect spot.  Life is Messy and Exhausting and that's O.K.

I wanted to tell the truth about my Sunday morning and the joys of being a mom, with some dirty dishes in the sink and kids that cry and dogs that whine.  I am not perfect, but together my family is!

Comment and share Your REALITY!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

This Is It

It is January, barely, and that always causes an urge in me to revisit those old diaries, begin that well intentioned diet, clean out my closets, get a haircut, whatever it takes to start fresh.  A new beginning.

Well, so far this month has been a bit rocky.  I started it off by rearending a car that had to stop suddenly for a pedestrian in an unlit crosswalk.  Smashing my car and the one in front.  Not something I care to repeat, ever:)  As accidents go, this one was very Undramatic, thank God!  Everyone was very civil and kind, the man I rear ended was honest and understanding and the police officers even joked at me that I had made the "top 10" as this was accident number 9 of the new year!  Here are shameless plugs for all the help:
      *Progressive Insurance was easy and accomodating! 
       *Moody's in Lewiston was AMAZING and it's too bad they fixed smashed cars because I would like to go back there and give them more business, but I don't want me or anyone else I know to have to use them, Hhhmm?? 
       *Enterprise Car rental was exceptional as well, upgrading my rental to the minivan I am now addicted to with no extra charge.  As a mom commuting with an infant and wanting do everything together as a family, we need the room.

Meanwhile, Little Lilly got the flu!  She had gotten the flu shot as soon as she could but the timing wasn't perfect and the poor thing got sick. Talk about scary.  She is so little and helpless and we just kept feeding her and keeping fluids in anyway we could.  She recovered without having to go to the hospital, but she did need a nebulizer.  She loved it and appreciated the fact that she could now breath!  We are all so grateful to the best doctor in the world!! Dr. Brian Knighton and the entire staff at Freeport Family Medical went above and beyond to make sure that Lilly and the whole family were well taken care of!

So here it is the end of January and I've been a little busy with life to think about all those fresh start things and ideas, which may be a blessing in disguise.  Instead I have been refocusing on "This Is It" and appreciating every day we have as a new beginning with endless possibilities.  I am making a re-commitment to living my life One Day at A Time.  I have a healthy family, a warm home, a job I enjoy, groceries in the cupboards and am surrounded by Love, and Laughter:)  I for once do not have the incessant gnawing that I should be changing things just because it is a new year.  I love my life just the way it is:)