Sunday, October 1, 2017

So, it is October 1st which is a time of year that I love, with sweater weather upon us, apple picking, pumpkin carving and piles of leaves to jump in.  This fall I have something extra on the agenda... I am running for a seat on the School Board here in Freeport.  I have been asked, "Why?" by many and given some warnings against it, but I believe that I have experience that could be very helpful in making decisions regarding our school systems.  I believe that I can be a strong voice for the community.  Along with the reasons Why I am running, I can also tell you what I am not doing; I am not running because my friends are on the board, I am not running to see if I can gain status in the town, I am not running with my own agenda.  I am an independent, I am a moderate, I represent the REAL people of the town, the people with day care struggles, the people with lunch cost struggles, the people with time struggles, the people who aren't pretentious, the people who laugh and the people who care.

I am not going to try to make a show out of things, just to "win".  I am a REAL woman, who has been working in school systems for the past 13 years, before that I was a store manager, running a store in the Old Port.  Before that, I worked in Mass in a Vocational High School teaching students how to run a nursery school.  I have experience with developing a proficiency based report card, I have experience with the Teacher Evaluation process, the Mentor process,  There are a ton of acronyms in education and I am familiar with them all, SLO, TPeg, PPeg, NWEA, RTI, CMP, IEP, LMS, MAP, ELL etc.  I believe that having this experience is invaluable on a school board.  I believe that understanding how critical a copy machine with a hole punch and stapler are to a teacher's room is going to be helpful to our community, to our classrooms, and ultimately our students.

I am not a career politician, I am a Freeport resident with a 5 year old girl and a 10 year old boy who are learning how to become active citizens.  They are the reason I am running.  I know that I can add to the school board and help  enrich RSU 5 and continue with the positive progression.  I will be representing you the REAL people of the town of Freeport.

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