Friday, May 27, 2011

Wk4 ARt of Possiblity - WE are The World

"Individually we are one drop, together we are an Ocean." - Ryunosuke Satore 
This week the reading was again very powerful!  The author  discusses the subject of WE and how different this is  from ME.  It is so refreshing to take the spotlight off ourselves and focus on working together. Many times teamwork or collaborations are phrases that many throw around, with only a few actually having true collaboration.  With each of us focused on the future and working with our individual talents to perform their best, allows the group to do likewise, with each participant performing at their peak. When each group member in WE is performing at their top level, the group as a whole is Exceeding Standards. Another visualization I have is because each person of the WE team is able to hyperfocus on their part, they have become a star, with all the stars shining together, optimum brightness is achieved.  I found this to be so true with my group work here in the EMDT program, working with my group allowed me to put my best foot forward and with everyone's strengths, talents and hard work, our projects far outshone what I could have accomplished on my own.  Developing a group synergy where tasks are shared makes the overall "job" more manageable, fun and ultimately, Successful!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


  1. I like your comment about collaboration, and such a true statement it is. But I have seen that when people collaborate, they keep their groups to a small cadre of individuals, and are always afraid to expand and find new talents. I wonder if they also permit this in their classrooms and at their jobs. We should never stick to be complacent in working with the same individuals, Even if they are friends, we can look further and find those stars that will help us shine. All stars are different, some are warmer than others, some are farther or closer, and some are in the verge of collapse (super nova). But they still shine, and with the right gravities, they can help shine other stars (even though in space that would probably induce a catastrophe). So we should never stop finding more stars in our galaxy, and then we can go to other galaxies and find other stars that we normally don't think about as part of our universe...

  2. I really liked your comments about the teamwork within the projects across the EMDT program and how you related this experience to Zanders chapter on Telling the We Story. It is so true what was clearly stated in this chapter that "we" is "you-plus-I," and the questions I am sure that your EMDT teams asked like mine was "What shall we do?" or "What will work for us?" it was always a compromise between what we all wanted individually and what we ended with as a collaborative effort. And to think that at the time we did not even know that we were applying one of the Art of Possibility principles. We all had a place in the dialogue and in the final outcome.

  3. @ David
    That is such a great point about branching out from a group and not being complacent with working with the same people. That was true for me this year, I was hesitant to move or change my groups, but the times when it was forced upon me, really opened up my eyes to new friends. I appreciate the reminder to continue growing and not resting on my laurels.
