Sunday, May 29, 2011

Wk4 Response to Jeannine Berube

Jeannine Berube

Am I willing to live in the Universe of Possibility?  That is the most honest question I can present to  myself as I finish reading this book.   Knowing now not only of this new universe, but also having been given the tools to navigate, am I ready to embark on this new adventure, to learn to be the “BOARD” on which my life is played?  Am I willing to enroll others in the “game” rather than scare them to death; to begin to create new frameworks of possibility, to truly tell the story of WE instead of me? 

I read the Coda too.  The choice is mine.  No condemnation for not practicing is mentioned.  No judgments are made.  Only possibility remains:  CHOICE.  The problem has been and continues to be about choice.  Choice is always the key to making a change, to make possibilities happen.  I can choose to be a “victim” I can choose to be a leader from any chair; I can choose to invent new rules.  I can even choose to invent the game board on which my life will be played. What will I choose?

I can stay where I am, fearful, trying to survive, watching out for me.  I can stay here, worried about what others say or think, or long for connection to others that will not come, at least not according to “their rules”. 

I can choose to create a new universe for my life.  A universe of possibility, where connections are made, where fear or survival does not dictate, but rather love and generosity.   Where students are inspired to learn rather than forced to endure; where colleagues value each other’s gifts and do not undermine each other because their subject is more “important” than another.  To truly lead from any chair means to take the risk that others secretly want to live in the realm of possibility, and simply haven’t realized it yet.     

The practices are just that-PRACTICE!  I will not get it right every time.  I will make mistakes.  I will fail at times.  HOW FASCINATING and I AM SORRY... will become phrases most familiar in my vocabulary. 

What do I want?  Am I willing to make the life-changing effort?  Am I willing to read this book again, and again?  Am I willing to become the being that I am meant to be?  The measured self is crying out in fear and anger.  Who do you think you are?  You can’t do this!  You’re too lazy, you’re too...........

 The central self however has found her voice.  She has something to say!  And her voice is becoming more loud and more clear.  There is nothing to lose and only everything to gain...

BTFI-one moment, one day, one week, one month, one year, one lifetime left at a time...

Jeannine- you have summarized the empowerment of this book!  Choice, is so powerful, once we grab onto that and develop choice as our center of focus, the possibilities are Endless, much like your rainbow:)  I also loved that you are going to read this book again, I see this book as one I will truly read over and over.  Already, I have gotten so much, I know my next read will be on another level and I will get even more.  We have begun a journey of Joy in finding what the universe has in store for us.  I am thrilled to know that I am not alone on this path and ever grateful to be a part of the WE! Glad you are in the WE with me:)!

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