What a week. I began the week without much knowledge of what "fair use" actually looked like and how I was going to work around Copyright Laws to use this new found technology and movie making skills in my classroom. I have now discovered how "fair use" works especially in education, that it is about amount of a clip that you use and whether it is essential to your lesson. This was really news to me... I have shown full videos in my class and I have used my personal video account to show a movie to my students. Now I understand that both of these actions are against copyright laws. I feel bad and I look forward to educating my coworkers and my students so that these incidents occur less.
I also have discovered the
Creative Commons solution. I am so grateful that this site exists to both protect independent artists and allows us to share materials as we choose. This site has images, videos, music and graphics that can be used according to individual desires. This has been put in the front of my Bookmark list, and I look forward to using the works to enhance my future lessons.
What a week, indeed. I'm glad that you were able to go from new (depressing) understanding of copyright to possible salvation via things like Creative Commons. :-)